Croft 2000
No, it's not just serious novels that get written here. I found the time to create Screen Scripts, accompanied by the inspiring screenshots of some of Lara's more unusual situations, captured on screen...
 Header Generator FAN FICTION: Screen Scripts
Tomb Raider: The Last Temptation
By David McCall

Lovely Alexandria...Lara was tired. Alexandria seemed like a luxurious place to relax and take a rest, yet exploring beach ruins and killing the living dead was not her idea of a holiday. After a long swim in the clear blue waters, she dried herself on the white sand and reclined against the stone of a fallen temple column. She looked back towards the sun and could see the tip of a grand house - at least she had somewhere to find comfort.

Jean-Ives was studying, researching Lara's expedition and eagerly waiting her return to his study. When he heard her footsteps from the staircase outside, he leapt from his seat and hurried to the bookcase, where he anxiously found a book to stroke, anticipating Lara's arrival with a keen hand.

Lara entered the room, walking through the doorway with her hands waving by her sides. His mouth dropped as he saw her tight waist, her tanned legs, and her wet shirt. He quickly turned to his bookcase and waited for her to speak.
 'Hello, Jean, what are you up to?' Lara looked at the books with a raised eyebrow.
 'O-Oh just doing some research for your journey.' He avoided her glance.
Should he? 'Are you all right? Has Von Croy been here?' Lara said curiously, noticing his sweating forehead and looking around the room.
 '...This heat, this heat Lara! It just...drives me crazy,' he said casually, glancing at her gun belt.
 'You live here, Jean, you've never complained about it before. Are you sure you're okay?'
 'Why of course, my dear...why wouldn't I be?'
 'Don’t worry, Jean, I am still alive if that is what you are worrying about...' Jean smiled. 'Y-Yes, I am relieved. So, what brings you here for the third time today?'
 'Oh, I just needed somewhere to rest for a couple of hours - you said you had a...'
 'Bedroom, bedroom - yes, why I do have one of those...' he said sharply, pulling his shirt back and forth to circulate some air.
 'Thanks, which way -' Lara stopped and titled her eyes to her shoulder, 'did you hear something?' She turned quickly and looked towards the window, watching the waving curtains.
Here we go. Jean desperately tried to contain himself. Lara had her back to him, showing her backside splendour and making Jean sweat even more. He moved away from the bookcase and stared at her thighs. If only he could have made the move.
For the fourth time that day he was struggling to tell her, tell her his true feelings. He knelt down and anxiously watched her head, hoping she did not turn around to see his hand edging towards her shorts. He edged his hands towards her shorts.
His hand touched her skin. She did not move. He slowly rubbed his hand up her calf, grasping her flesh and making his way to her knee. She bit her lip tightly, smirking at his perversity. Jean moved his other hand onto her chest, grasping her waist and stroking her slippery shirt. Lara closed her eyes.

Give it a lil' squeeze...SSSSHBBOOM! The bookcase suddenly began to shake. The impact of a bullet sent pieces of book flying into the air and bouncing off the ground. Lara kicked Jean away from behind her and slipped a magnum from her gun belt. She looked around the room and aimed at the window, where a peculiar shadow stretched across the green carpet.
 'Eat this nosy,' she said, pulling the trigger as the edge of a face appeared by the wall. The man slumped to the floor, blood squirting from the hole in his head. She turned to Jean who lay cowering on the floor.
 'I think I'll be going now.' She said, placing the smoking gun against her leg.
 'Y-Yes, I think that would be wise.' Jean replied in humility, looking up at her steaming face. Lara walked from the bookcase, picking pieces of shredded book from the floor and throwing them into the bin nearby. As she neared the doorway, she turned suddenly.
 'What was the way to the bedroom again?' Jean jumped from his place and wiped his hands clean. 'Second d-door on the right.' Lara looked down the corridor. 'Oh, but there’s too many doors...damn. Could you show me?' Lara looked back and held the gun to her chest, rubbing it against her cleavage and smirking.

Jean was only too happy to help.

If you enjoyed that wierd story, take a screenshot, think of a story and send them to me!

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This site was created on the 6th November 1999 by David McCall. All HTML Code is owned by Croft 2000, and may not be used without consent from the site owner. © 2000 - C2K: David "Deeds" McCall. Lara Croft and her likeness are © 2000 Eidos Interactive. All Rights Reserved